🙋‍♀️ FAQ

For Projects:

Q: Does Champagne replace my current staking system? A: No, Champagne is a second layer solution and complements your existing system!

Q: Do my holders need to connect their wallets to champagne? A: Yes, holders will need to connect their Phantom wallet to the JVL website to select the NFT they wish to use as their PFP. This will verify them as the owner and begin distributing yields.

Q: How often do my holders receive yields from Champagne? A: Champagne verifies that the user has not changed their PFP and air-drops the rewards hourly.

Q: How long is the implementation time? A: The implementation time is anywhere between 2 and 3 weeks, depending on if you purchase the Custom Website Add-on.

Q: What if my project doesn't have its own SPL token, how can Champagne help us? A: Champagne can still be a great solution for you in a few ways: 1. We can help you create and design your SPL token, including tokenomics to get you up and running. 2. You can reward holders with SOL for representing your project! 3. You can still use the Ape-Follow-Ape page without an SPL token to let holders easily follow each other. 4. In the near future, you'll be able to earn a custom token made by Champagne, so that your holders can earn a native JVL token instead (info on benefits coming soon 👀)!

Q: Can I choose to buy only the PFP Yield Farming, or only the Ape-Follow-Ape page? A: Yes! You can choose to only buy the Champagne Staking Protocol, and Ape-Follow-Ape can be purchased as an add-on. However, Ape-Follow-Ape requires Champagne Staking to work.

For Holders

Q: How can I get my favorite project to make PFP yield farming available? A: Have them reach out to us to get Champagne implemented, and you can be ready to yield farm in just a few weeks!

Q: What's the process like to start staking my PFP? A: Through our website: https://champagne.juicytools.io/, you should:

(1) Connect your Twitter account. (2) Connect your Phantom wallet. (3) Make sure your desired PFP is staked on your project's primary staking platform. (4) Select the collection you'd like to stake a PFP from. (5) Finally, select the NFT you'd like to use as your PFP. Viola, the process is completed!

Q: Why aren't some of my friends showing up on the Ape-Follow-Ape page? A: The Ape-Follow-Ape page only shows people that are also staking their PFP. Without it, we're unable to see who is representing the collection.

Q: Can I stake PFPs from more than one collection? A: No, you must choose a collection to represent on Twitter. Only one collection can be represented at a time.

Last updated